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Friday, May 25, 2007

Showing posts with label Payments. Show all posts

A number of publishers have asked us about phone verification and indicated that they're having difficulty with the process. After investigating these reports, we've discovered that our system is currently experiencing intermittent outages. We're working hard to fix the issue as soon as we can and appreciate your patience in the interim.

Not sure if you need to verify your phone number? Find out by visiting your Payment History page - if you've reached $50 in earnings and see the 'Please verify your phone number' prompt shown in the image below, keep reading. If you don't see this message on your Payment History page, you don't need to verify your phone number.

If you're required to verify your phone number, you can initiate the process by clicking the 'Please verify your phone number' link and following the instructions. We'd also like to offer you a few tips for completing the phone verification process, based on publisher feedback. First, our automated phone system isn't compatible with rotary phones or certain types of VoIP technology, so you may wish to double check the phone line you're using. In addition, if your phone has a Tone/Pulse option, please make sure it's set to 'Tone'. Finally, you may wish to try a different phone number if you're having difficulty - for instance, try switching from your cell phone to a land line.

If you're still unable to verify your phone number after multiple attempts, feel free to contact one of our specialists through our Help Center or the prompt in your account. We'll be happy to assist you further with your phone verification issue.

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Thanks for yours time have a good day :-)

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