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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Three free AdSense tricks to boost your click through rates.

With AdSense being the second most requested subject for 2007 (according to the poll I took about a week ago), I was pretty sure you would find this cool little video by Ben Shaffer very useful.

The video is called "Three Little Known Tricks", and that's exactly what it is. The video contains three short tricks that you can apply today to your AdSense sites to improve your click through rate.

These aren't magic moves, just time tested techniques that we both use on every single AdSense site of ours. They work, they are effective and if you are not doing them, you should be.

Ben has been an associate of mine for some time now, and everything I've seen from him has always been worth looking at. This new video is no exception.

The Three Little Known Tricks video is free to watch and to learn from.

You can watch it by clicking here.

It's pretty short, so if you don't like it, you really have nothing to lose. There isn't a signup page or email address request or anything, either.

After watching it, I'd love it if you added your comments about it to this post.

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