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Monday, May 21, 2007

Reports done your way

You can customize hamburgers, search results, and the ring of your cellphone whenever your mom gives you a call. But can you customize your AdSense reports? You bet. Even better, you can view the customized reports at any time with just one click. Here's how:

On your Advanced Reports page, create a report with a variable date range (e.g. "yesterday", "today", etc.). Choose any combination of channels or just aggregate data to view all channels, then make a selection between page impressions or ad unit impressions.

Generate the report, and you'll notice a new text box appears above it. Type a name in the box and click "save". That's it - the report you've named will appear on your Overview page in the Custom Advanced Reports section and you can view it at any time with one click.

We hope this will free up the time you used to spend selecting the same set of channels over and over, so you can spend it doing other things - like customizing your AdSense ad color palettes.

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Thanks for yours time have a good day :-)

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