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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Embed and enjoy

Over the past few months, we've drawn attention to the value of video, and specifically, of embedding video on your sites. We're happy to announce that Google Video is now available for Australia!

Our Australian friends can search for the most popular videos in Australia and embed them on their own sites, all within a localized (or rather "localised") interface. Not only is there the usual treasure trove of footage uploaded by individual users already on Google Video, but the AU team has worked closely with great partners like ABC, AFTRS (the Australian Film, Television and Radio School), Channel 10, Film Australia, Fairfax and SonyBMG. We're sure you'll find some great content amongst these partners and others to enhance your website.

In addition, there are now many ways for you to customize the video player itself and the surrounding page. This way, the player is integrated with your content and will help engage your users. You can:
  • Resize the player to fit the design of your site by editing the pixel width and height
  • Set the player to autoplay on page load, or start playing at a specific point in the video
  • Get creative in the way you design the area surrounding the player (there's a great example here)
There's always something new on Google Video, so keep users coming back to your site by varying the videos you use on your site. Happy embedding!

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Thanks for yours time have a good day :-)

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