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Thursday, May 24, 2007

AdSense coming to a video near you

You've heard the expression "Content is king." We completely agree, and we also realize that these days website content is much more than just text -- it's also video. That's why we're excited to announce that this week, we're launching a pilot with a small group of publishers to test streaming video ads in their online video content. With this pilot, publishers control when the ads play in their videos and choose which videos get the ads.

We know there's a lot going on in the world of video, and you may be wondering how this relates to other video initiatives we've announced in AdSense. Here's a brief clarification:
  • Click-to-play video ads: This is a video ad type on our content network. Any publisher opted into image ads and using one of the supported formats may see these click-to-play video ads on their sites.

  • AdSense video distribution and sponsorship: We ran 2 pilots that allowed publishers to choose video channels (short-form video clips bundled with video ads) to display on their sites.

  • AdSense for Video pilot: This is what we're announcing today - we're extending AdSense to online video content. Publishers in this test will be able to define at what point in their videos that streaming video ads will appear.
This is a closed pilot, which means we're unable to accommodate additional publishers for participation. However, we're looking forward to gathering learnings from this pilot and gaining insight into what works best for ads in video. Just as AdSense adds value to the text content on your website and is useful for your users, we think these in-stream ads in video will add value to publishers' video content and help to deepen engagement with users watching the videos. This pilot represents our continued efforts to address the challenges faced by publishers who want to monetize their video content, by advertisers who want access to quality video inventory, and finally by users who want ads to enhance their video watching experience, not detract from it.

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Thanks for yours time have a good day :-)

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